VFW Day of Service All American requirement

- 11/26/2024

Team, you will see the Day of Service requirement has been added to the Post dashboard. This will be updated by your VFW National HQs beginning shortly as we get the sign-ups from Posts. The requirement is for our posts to sign up for the VFW Day of Service. Last year we had about 250 posts signed up to participate. Let's shatter this # this year.  We as VFW HQs will then upload weekly reports to give them credit. It will be assumed they have submitted their event after completion as a community service entry through your community service system. 

To sign up for the VFW Day of Service click here
https://todaysvfw.org/day-of- service/

The last screenshot is to show who we have given credit for your department. You can run this report to show your posts.